Contact Me

Justin Dilks

My name is Justin Dilks, and I like to tell stories. I believe that we're at our best when we're seeing new worlds through artistic expression.

I'm a interactive and game designer located in southern New Jersey, and I received my degree in Interactive Multimedia with honors from the College of New Jersey as a member of the class of 2012.

My big passion right now is optimizing a user's experience to accommodate the numerous devices that we use to stay connected. This passion culminated in my senior project at New Jersey, Knights of the Broken Table, which remains a work in progress, but will ultimately be a game where users can cross genres and platforms to experience a narrative. I'm proud of the work that was done on the Android version of the game displayed here, and I hope to be just as proud of the work that I'm doing on it going forward. I think that a story shouldn't just be confined to one device, we should take it with us and use any device as a portal to that story. I think that Knights of the Broken Table is just one example of that.

When I earned my Eagle Scout award in 2007, it was stressed to me that our biggest responsibility to ourselves is responsibility to others, and I've made that a personal mission in my game and web design. The web is an increasingly irreplacable part of what we do, and I think it's only responsible to make sure that it's available to everyone, regardless of their advantages. I strive to make every design project adhere to accessibility standards.

I also think that we have an obligation to secure the information of those who place trust in us. I do my best to make sure that all of my code is secured, to prevent unwanted attacks. Once we don't need to worry about the security of projects, we can turn our focus to making them as innovative and effective as possible.

And that, really, makes for better stories.

If you have any questions about any of my work on this site, please feel free to contact me through my profile on LinkedIn. Alternatively, fill out the email form below and I'll get back to you, usually in the same day!


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